Public Economics Seminar

About the Seminar

External speakers are invited to present their research on topics related to public economics. We strive for providing a constructive, respectful and interactive culture in line with the department's Code of Conduct.
Faculty and PhD students from LMU and other institutions in Munich
Moritz Drechsel-Grau, Clemens Fuest, Emanuel Hansen, Andreas Haufler, Jonas Löbbing , Jakob Miethe, Michaela Paffenholz, Andreas Peichl, Karl Schulz, Francis Wong
Thursdays, 10:30-12:00
Schackstr. 4, CES Seminar Room, Room 214

Program Summer Semester 2024

DateSpeaker(s) (Affiliation)Title of Presentation
April 25Mike Zabek (Federal Reserve Board)Personal Tax Changes and Financial Well-Being: Evidence from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
May 2Bas Jacobs (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)Should We Tax Capital Income or Wealth?
May 16Camille Urvoy (University of Mannheim)Hosting Media Bias: Evidence from the Universe of French Broadcasts, 2002-2020
May 23Stefan Staubli (University of Calgary)Measuring the Value of Disability Insurance from Take-Up Decisions
June 13Terry Moon (University of British Columbia)Corporate Tax Cuts and Worker Earnings: Evidence from Small Businesses
July 4Dominik Sachs (HSG St. Gallen)Quantifying Okun’s Leaky Bucket: The Case of Progressive Childcare Subsidies
July 11Sebastian Findeisen (University of Konstanz)Family-FriendlyWorkplace Policies
July 18Michael Siegenthaler (KOF, ETH Zürich)The Role of Wages and Fringe Benefits in Job Search: Evidence from a Large-Scale Online Field Experiment