Public Economics Seminar

About the Seminar

External speakers are invited to present their research on topics related to public economics. We strive for providing a constructive, respectful and interactive culture in line with the department's Code of Conduct.
Faculty and PhD students from LMU and other institutions in Munich
Moritz Drechsel-Grau, Clemens Fuest, Emanuel Hansen, Andreas Haufler, Jonas Löbbing , Jakob Miethe, Michaela Paffenholz, Andreas Peichl, Karl Schulz, Francis Wong
Thursdays, 10:30-12:00
Schackstr. 4, CES Seminar Room, Room 214

Winter-Semester 2024/25

DateSpeaker(s) (Affiliation)Title of Presentation
17.10.Carina Neisser
(University of Cologne)
The Effects of Income Disclosure by Politicians
24.10.Maxwell Kellogg
(University of Oslo)
Family Trajectories and the Burden of Care in the Aftermath of Old-Age Health Shocks
31.10.Abigail Payne
(University of Melbourne)
To Enrol or Not to Enrol in University: The Role of Tuition and Government Regulation in a Context of Income Contingent Loans
14.11.Emanuel Hansen
(LMU Munich)
Designing Redistribution with Endogenous Transfer Take-up
28.11.Philipp Wangner
(University of Mannheim)
Inequality, Business Cycles, and Growth: A Unified Approach to Fiscal Stabilization Policies
05.12.Ségal Le Guern Herry
(Aix-Marseille School of Economics)
Wealth Taxation and Portfolio Allocation
12.12.Christoph Moser
(FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Cross-border Commuting, Gender Differences and the Outside Option
19.12.Dominika Langenmayr
(KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Navigating the Amazon: The Incidence of Digital Service Taxes

Summer Term 2024

DateSpeaker(s) (Affiliation)Title of Presentation
April 25Mike Zabek (Federal Reserve Board)Personal Tax Changes and Financial Well-Being: Evidence from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
May 2Bas Jacobs (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)Should We Tax Capital Income or Wealth?
May 16Camille Urvoy (University of Mannheim)Hosting Media Bias: Evidence from the Universe of French Broadcasts, 2002-2020
May 23Stefan Staubli (University of Calgary)Measuring the Value of Disability Insurance from Take-Up Decisions
June 13Terry Moon (University of British Columbia)Corporate Tax Cuts and Worker Earnings: Evidence from Small Businesses
July 4Dominik Sachs (HSG St. Gallen)Quantifying Okun’s Leaky Bucket: The Case of Progressive Childcare Subsidies
July 11Sebastian Findeisen (University of Konstanz)Family-FriendlyWorkplace Policies
July 18Michael Siegenthaler (KOF, ETH Zürich)The Role of Wages and Fringe Benefits in Job Search: Evidence from a Large-Scale Online Field Experiment