Micro Workshop

About the Seminar

External speakers present their latest microeconomics research
Davide Pace and Sili Zhang
Kaulbachstr. 45 Room 006
davide.pace@econ.lmu.de or sili.zhang@econ.lmu.de

Winter Term 2024/25

DateSpeaker(s) (Affiliation)Title of Presentation
14.10.2024Taisuke Imai (Osaka University)Predicting Social Science Results
21.10.2024Sander Onderstal (University of Amsterdam)How the design of cartel fines affects prices: Evidence from the lab
28.10.2024Daniel Zizzo (The University of Queensland)Why Behave like Sheep? Understanding Compliance and Peer Effects
18.11.2024Amelie Schiprowski (The University of Bonn)Small Sample Diversity
25.11.2024Arno Apffelstaedt (The University of Cologne)Winning Stories: Persuasive Narratives and Gender Biases at Work
02.12.2024Salvatore Nunnari (Bocconi)Negative Emission Technologies and Climate Cooperation
09.12.2024Duarte Gonçalves (UCL)
16.12.2024Melis Kartal (WU Vienna)

Summer Term 2024

DateSpeaker(s) (Affiliation)Title of Presentation
22.04.2024Eva Ranehill (University of Gothenburg)Are women less effective leaders than men? Evidence on gender discrimination in coordination games
29.04.2024Mattie Toma (University of Warwick)Information-Optional Policies and the Gender-Concealment Gap
06.05.2024Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)Sorting and wage premiums in immoral work
27.05.2024Helene Mass (University of Bonn)Optimal Testing in Disclosure Games
03.06.2024Marc Kaufmann (Central European University)Market Failures with Socially Responsible Consumers
10.06.2024Kristof Madarasz (LSE)Projective Thinking: Model, Evidence, and Applications
17.06.2024Tristan Gagnon-Bartsch (Florida State University)Heterogeneous Tastes and Social (Mis)Learning
18.06.2024Peter Andre (SAFE/Goethe University Frankfurt)Mental Models of the Stock Market
24.06.2024Joel van der Weele (University of Amsterdam)Making Sense: An Esteem-based Model of Rationalizations and Moral Behaviour
01.07.2024Ananish Chaudhuri (University of Aukland)Who becomes a politician? Survey and experimental evidence from village councils in West Bengal, India
08.07.2024Christoph Drobner (TUM)Misguided Effort
15.07.2024Eugen Dimant (University of Pennsylvania)Investigating Polarization through an Economist's Lens: Insights from 2.5 Experimental Studies