All about the program
The aim of the course work at the MGSE is to provide doctoral students with the analytical tools necessary to carry out independent research projects.
The aim of the course work at the MGSE is to provide doctoral students with the analytical tools necessary to carry out independent research projects.
MGSE students get a thorough training in advanced methods in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. In their field courses they can choose a specific subfield such as public economics. Students are guided to the frontier of economic research and are exposed to state-of-the-art research questions.In addition, a number of complementary offerings in soft-skills courses support students as they move into scientific research and teaching and prepare them for challenging careers in academia or industry.
Course program:
MGSE pays particular attention to the training of young scientists.
According to the international standards of high level training there are 3 compulsory soft skill courses:
provide the minimum necessary knowledge and skills that every doctoral student must have.
In addition, students can choose of a variety of elective soft skill courses, like “Scientific Writing & Presentation”, “Academic Conference Organization”, “Academic Teaching”, “Time Management”, “Voice Training”. Students here also benefit from the diverse offerings of the LMU Graduate Center.
Doctoral students at the MGSE have the remarkable opportunity to share their academic ideas from a very early stage onwards with colleagues and members of the faculty. In the weekly research seminars during the semester, they can expose their ideas regularly to a critical audience and benefit from stimulating discussion and feedback and meet international guests who also present in the seminars
All doctoral students have to write a Ph.D. thesis (doctoral dissertation), which usually consists of three research papers. In order to ensure a high qualitative standard, these papers have to be publishable in a recognized economic or field journal (A or B-journal).
Students at the MGSE are expected and highly encouraged to spend one semester abroad at a renowned university or research institution. In this respect, visiting an international university in the second or third year of the program would be especially desirable.
Prepare for your application by downloading our detailed guide (PDF, 170 KB), or see below for an abbreviated guide.